
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fish's Cake

I got Fish's cake baked.  I baked a chocolate cake and then poured marshmallow cream over the hot cake.  Then I went on the net and found the frosting recipe.  Sort of butter cream chocolate.  I was going to leave it on the counter but was afraid i would awake to the frosting all being on the counter.  So I hope the ref does not make the cake tough.

The cake will be a hit at school as none of them bake anything.

I need Clayton's homemade angel food cake recipe before weekend as I want to make that for Astrid.  Fleta uses a mix so I don't want her recipe.  Helen's would probably be too difficult.  Patsy's might be a hoax trying to get me to try something and then laugh at me.  Like the 3 little pigs story...I think Clayton's would be just right.  Please, please some sister call Clayton for his recipe for angel food cake and post it on your blog!!


  1. betty I am so sorry i got the beautiful throw tuesday but was so sick could not post

  2. Betty it must be said....That cake looks awful!

  3. Fish said my cake was really good. He was teaching when I took it and I visited with another friend and left the entire cake on his desk...about 15 min. later he scurried over and yelled, "who ate my cake! it is half gone!" I am sure the other male coaches in his office enjoyed his cake as much as Fish did.

    Kelly went over and got Jacimore and her a piece to save for them to have after lunch. I did not have to buy Fish lunch as the others were buying!
