
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sigrid's New Garden

Remember the cast iron bird bath.  Siggie bought her own paint at Hobby Lobby and brightened it up.  Those hand prints are her two sisters and her Mom and Dad's.  Sigrid wanted a garden for her birthday and her Pop built this for her.  They worked on it this afternoon and hours later she was still out there making sure the dirt was level.  Laura said next weekend she will get to buy her plant.  I think she will get flowers but  who knows.   I have some of that black fiber to keep the grass out and I gave it to her to put under her plants.  Pop is going to buy her some topsoil to go on top of the dirt he put in there with his front end loader. I had a big watering can and I gave it to her.  Today she had a wood pecker at her bird feeders.   
I think Pop did a good job on the outside of the bed.  She wanted 6 sides so he said the angles should be 30 degrees to fit.  Looks like it worked.  He put used rebar to pin the pieces to the ground.  There is a hole in the bottom one all the way through and the top one just has the hole almost all the way though so you can not see what is holding the timbers in place.  She helped him all afternoon.   

It sort of makes me want to silly...that a little girl is so excited about growing things and having a garden.  Laura said Siggie saw the chicken tractors at Atwoods and really wants some chickens.  I think...maybe that will happen too.   


  1. The bird bath really looks pretty. I am impressed.

    Siggy, Siggy,quite contriggy, How does your garden grow?

  2. Siggy has a garden
    she made it with her Pop.
    Siggy loves her garden
    with the bird bath on top.

  3. I want one. We played in the flower bed this afternoon and planted flowers. Clayton took the crab grass we pulled up and planted it in the yard.

  4. Greg will be proud of the extra grass in the yard.
