
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Warm Day--Working Day

All day I have watched for the eagles and may go down to the Lake and see if I can spot them.  Will these eagles stay with me or do they migrate?  I would love for them to stay here so I could watch them.
 I worked out my little garden.  What you see is lettuce, cabbage, onions, and hilled up potatoes and a row of early green peas.
 Here is the lettuce and cabbage.

 Below is carrots.  I was going to hoe them up but I can see a few so I left them to see if they will grow.
 I planted stright neck squash here under the pream fabric.   I did not have any crookneck seed.  Larry says crookneck is much hardier.

 This is my row of peas.  There is lots of burmuda grass on this edge.  I am going to lay that fabric here.
 My potatoes are coming through.  Larry said he would hill them with the tractor when they all come through.

 Lots of Martins are finally here.  They are later than last year.

 This show where I planted the squash.
 I let the chickens out for a while.  Patsy, the bantie would not take this nest.  So I have an idea.  I will put a little box in the big house and let her sit on the eggs there. I am going to move her--box and all to this little pen at night.  Do you think it will work?  I can raise the chicks here.  Larry built this nice hatching set up for me, but I have yet to be successful hatching chicks.  I am determined to succeed.

 Garden view with Martin houses in the distance.

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