
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Little Sprinkle

 It sprinkled here last night and is again this morn.  Astrid came over Sunday and rode the 4 wheeler. Ingrid rode behind.  Larry tells them ever little bit--better let it rest awhile it might be getting hot.  Then they sit on the porch with him and visit.

 Patsy asked about my roses.  This is it.  It does have buds and I mulched it.  Hope roses like being mulched.  I don't have good luck with roses but we will see.  If this one does well, I might get another.

 Astrid did a report of this scientist.  He is interesting and I bet her report will be good.  Siggie mulched her flower bed.

 Pop plowing and Ingrid inspects my wagon.  She thinks it will haul Clayton and Greta easily!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the pix...Just wait till summer with those Grand Kids...What a good time you will have.
