Be sure to go to the post before this and see what all this looked like before we worked in it all morning. It took teamwork from Larry and me. This is after I had hoed and Larry put up my fence for my pole beans.
Next to the pole green beans is my okra.We had 4 panels but we came up short so Larry got this old gate and it was just the right size to finish the row. I was able to get some of the runners over to the fence.
The black is my pumpkins and then my sweet potatoes after that comes the tomatoes and peppers. I may put another piece of black fabric between the sweet potatoes and tomatoes. We have panels for the tomatoes but we will do that another day.
Above are our Black Diamond watermelons and below our 6 rows of corn. If I am able to move tomorrow I want to hoe the corn.
You can see our Martin houses off behind the garden on the pond bank. Below you can see the runners on the green beans.
It sure looks like a lot of work and a lot of food that will need to be put up..