
Friday, August 2, 2013

Arkansas News For Helen

My little Feist is guarding my garden but he can't watch the entire world!
Authorities in Harrison say firefighters rescued a man who got stuck in a chimney while allegedly trying to break into a pawn shop.

Police say the owner of Capital Pawn called police Wednesday morning to report that a man was stuck in the building's chimney. Fire Chief Marc Lowery says firefighters pulled the man's arms through the chimney then wrapped a strap around his wrists to hoist him out.

Assistant Police Chief Sam Martin tells the Harrison Daily Times ( ) that the man had apparently spent the night in the chimney. The man was taken into custody on a commercial burglary charge.

Shop owner Ernest Raney says the man denied trying to break into the store and said he was walking across the roof and fell in the chimney.

Our Atty General told the Arkansas Schools that they could not arm teachers.  They can hire guards from police forces and security business!  But teachers can't bring their 410s!
 And a little about going to Church Camp!  Down in the middle of Arkansas a lady sent her son to a church camp. It was a Church of Christ Church camp so I know there was no piano playing going on!  With no music to sway to, a group decided to  play basketball with a teacher (woman but no lady) and the grandson made fun of her shot technique.  So instead of turning to the Lord, the teacher handled it herself.  SHE instructed the other kids to beat him up.  Which they did even knocking out a tooth!  So the Bible verse for today is--

Jeremiah 17:5

 "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD."

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