
Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Who else do we ask for help....but Smart Sister Fleta.  Blogger will not let me add a gadget on the side of my dog blog.  I deleted the one about stuff for sale and now can't put one back.  I bet it is just a temporary glitch, but sure hope Sister will read about it and comment below so I know.   I tried on the lap top and the regular computer.  I went to my old dog page and made a pup ad and I was able to put the link in my post...but I want to put the text gadget back where I tell them where to call and where to send depts. etc.

Here are some pictures.  Astrid is dressing up for colors day at her school.  She goes in workout clothes for volleyball.  Ingrid dressed for dig pink day today.  The high school team has a game and donates to breast cancer.  Here are Astrid's overalls ...or better off er alls as she will put them on after volleyball and Ingrid decked out.  Astrid had a game yesterday, today and tomorrow.  She won yesterday and I hope today and tomorrow!