My friend from school turned 50 February 21. I will put the date on here and her name and I can search and find her bday if I forget. I walked around school and visited with several of my old comrades. Two are retiring this year. Laura made Kelly Young a birthday cheesecake and I delivered it to her. She is the High School Soccer coach and will be Astrid's soccer coach next year. Kelly is from Port Angeles, Washington.
I looked the city may be near Kristina. But maybe not. Kelly's husband came here because he is an operator at the Nuclear Plant here. He served 6 years in the U. S. Navy and learned this skill. He is very highly paid.
Port Angeles is the site of the "largest prehistoric Indian village and burial ground found in the United States," according to a senior archaeologist for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Seattle. In August 2003, an 275 million dollar construction project [9]was started in P.A. The construction site ultimately uncovered about 300 graves and 785 pieces of human bones in addition to numerous ritual and ceremonial Indian artifacts of the former Tse-whit-zen village. Some of the unearthed remains date back between 1,700 to 2,700 years.
we're going to have to do something like this Sept 1st