
Wednesday, March 19, 2014


 This crow was near my back porch this morning.  He is telling me something.  Sometimes to understand we need to be on the same page.  I was not on his page and have no idea what he wanted.  We had a pet crow once.  Do the Sisters remember him?  Crows are really smart birds and very suspicious of humans!
 This was in the Gazette.  I agree with this guy most of the time and did today.    I did not do a lot of consequential punishments with my girls growing up.  I practiced "my Daddy's approach".  I talked about what had happened and they say I droned on and on and on.  My favorite lecture spot was driving down the road.  They could not escape.  Girls are different from boys.  I am sort of glad I did not have to raise a boy. Momma said boys were so much harder to rear than girls and I think she was correct.
 Clayton is not always in the pink.  He does not always keep his hands to himself.  If I were his Mom, I would be telling him how sad I was and how I hoped he would do better because I loved him so very much. Rosemond says boys just don't keep their hands to themselves all the time and that is normal.  I am glad Clayton is not always perfect.  I think that says he is a normal little boy.  So if I picked him up after school, I would be sure to tell him that I loved him to the moon and back and to always do his best and of that I would be proud.

I firmly believe a small child does not understand punishment later!  Saying what happened at school can't really be changed at home.  Correction needs to be immediate.  I would say in class "nip it".  I think that needs to be the course of action--stop now!  I doubt a 5 year old kid understands being punished after he gets home for something he has really forgotten.  He probably can't even recall why he did not get the best behavior.  He thinks NOW!  When you ask why?  He will probably have to lie to make you happy because if he says I don't know you will not like it and he is smart so he will have to make up something to make you happy.  OH, dear, I am droning............

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