
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sigrid's New Duds

 Sigrid got two new shorts outfits for her birthday.  She showed me when we went to Astrid's birthday party. Below is a necklace hanger that Sigrid made Astrid for her birthday.  It is an arrow with little hooks on it. She used a dowel rod and made the ends from plastic and glued it on the rod.

I was trying to think of the times I have cleaned Laura's house or Erin's house.  But I could not think of a single time. Dear me. Looks like I could think of one time I did.  When Clayton was born I stayed with Erin. I did not clean though.  I am not much help.

I do remember (after Daddy died) when I went to see Momma she would ask me if I would sweep and mop her kitchen which I did.  Momma was 67 when Daddy died that is how old Fleta will be her birthday.  I tried to go see Momma once a month after Daddy passed away.  Some months I did not make it up there but that was my goal.  Also, I called her once a week on Saturday.  She was such a good Momma.  She always wanted to do something for Gilbert's two kids like get Julie some dresses.  So sweet.

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