
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Miss A Lane E Us!!

Or Miscellaneous!  It is grade report time.  Greta and Clayton got good reports.  They don't get letter grades yet.  The three Christensen girls made all A's.    Can't do any better than that.  Braggin' again, I know!
 I think Greta likes the afghan I made her!
 The above was posted at the dentist office bulletin board.
 Greta and Clayton liked camping.  They stayed two nights.
 Sigrid says--Papa--I admire my grandpa (Papa) because he is the nicest person in the world.  He helps people.  He can build anything.  He says I am beautiful.  He makes me happy.  He lets me play with all eleven of his dogs.  he buys me anything.  I love him.
Astrid on colors day with Coach Chiolino.