
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Patsy's Friend

The Hamptons lived over the hill from us when Patsy was growing up.  We were poor but I guess they were very poor.  Patsy's told me that Marca Dean and at least one of the boys had red hair.  Marca's dad was George Isaac Hampton and her mother was Fannie Lawson Hampton.  I don't think the Hamptons had a car.  Marca Dean got very sick.  Patsy said it was Leukemia.  When she was in her last days, Patsy went over to see her.  She would pull out her red hair and reach over and put it on Patsy.  By this time she was probably not in her right mind.  

Richard told me that the Hamptons had stumps cut and placed in the house for chairs to sit on.   I found this picture of Marca Dean and I always wondered what she looked like.  She died when I was in the first grade.  I think not long after that the Hamptons moved away.   Maybe to Green Forest.  I don't even know how to drive to the old Hampton house.  I guess you went around by Dan's and toward where the Shaws lived.  The Hamptons were kin to the Teters who are buried in the little Cemetery near Dan.  George and Fannie and Marca Dean are in the Denver Cemetery.  Fannie did not marry until she was almost 30 and had a big family, but I noticed several of the children died young.  One of the boys was Donald Gene.  Patsy told me he had red hair too.  
This is George and Fannie.  I think Patsy said Fannie's hair was red.

1 comment:

  1. Well that was interesting....finally someone I know talked about... Why did I think Hamptons was by stone place....did you enter by their house???
