
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Newest Thing In Grocery Store

Several folks sent this to Larry...I guess when they saw it they thought of him.

If I could choose...I sure would love to go to Falling Water and Richland with Fleta and the gang.  At the bottom of my list would be to be with a dozen 14 year old girls over night.  But...........I am glad everyone is different.  That is what makes the world go around.  I know Emmie will recall her birthday when she is an old woman like me and my sisters and remember her special Aunt that was the hostess of the tado!   I remember the birthday I had and I took cake to the milk man.  He gave me a quarter.  I thought it was a grand gift!

I am reaping the rewards of Patsy's labor.  The white hens are laying.  They lay a cream colored medium size egg.  One day I got six eggs.  Most days I get at least four.  Not all of the hens are laying yet.  Patsy said February, but I guess she did not want to disappoint me if they were not laying earlier.  I have been getting a cream colored egg for about two weeks.  They are so good.  I promised the chickens that they will live here until they die.  Patsy would say I was silly or maybe stupid...but I will keep the white hens all their days.  Helen, I may make a unleavened pound cake!  Four good eggs, 2 sticks real butter, 2 cups flour, 2 cups sugar, good vanilla and a dash of salt.  Cook an hour at 350.  You can not make a pound cake without a good mixer.  The butter and sugar have to be light, alternating as you add each of the ingredients.  This was George Washington's fav.  Helen should give it a go.

Our Powells are related to George Washington.  John Powell's children carried the tale for way over a hundred years.  The word they used was cousin!  There is only one Powell family that I have found related to George.  That is the Robert and Sarah Taylor Powell family.  I believe our Charles Powell was either Robert's brother or a son of his brother.  If this is our Powell family, we are also related to James Madison!  Washington, Madison, and Jimmy Carter.  We are a family of Presidents.  Obama has ties to the Bunch family of Carroll County, but I don't think we are related to them.  I have found a researcher who wrote a book about the Taylor family.  She said that Robert Powell came from Maryland and was not from the John Powell / Coghill family like everyone one says. The way the Powell family was connected to George I have forgotten but I know it was through James Taylor and his second wife Mary the connection was through marriage and not a blood relationship.  Robert and Sarah Taylor Powell had a son named Charles, but Fleta and I did not think he was our Charles.   Who knows?  I know who does not care--HIS are her initials.  If we were kin to the Taylor family we would be related to  Zachary Taylor and a host of other presidents...I think even the Bush family.

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