Erin sent this photo she took "screened". Who would want to venture out to take a picture! Erin, you have lots more than we do. Neighbors horses got out and stampeded through our yard. Gave the dogs and us old folks some excitement. Some poor soul flipped their car just opposite our driveway about 5:00. Larry had be call Laura to make sure they were all home. It is not snowing now (6:30) but I guess this is just a little rest and it will start again soon.
Noticed next week we will have some 60 degree weather--can't wait!
Betty...Love the bird pictures...Beautiful...stay inside warm and with a good book!!!I have been reading 2 about Billy Crystal Done and not 2 good...reading the last one by rick Briggs about his mom...can't figure out yet if i read it allready...Not Annas man...or the one about his day... not the one about his grandpa either...