
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Around Here

 Sigrid is constructing something in gifted class.  I bet it is a bird house!
 Above is close up of Laura's Irises. So pretty and below Greta can write Greta Jones!  She has the Greta part down pat!.
 Poor Clayton got whacked in the head with a piece of playground equipment.  It hurts me to see him. I think his eye will turn black.
 The only way I can rotate my pictures is to put them in my paint shop program rotate them and rename them.  I must try to learn how to do it in google.  I remember that I went to images and you could turn them and save them.  I must figure it out again because Old Sister is gone.
 Astrid is pretty in pink.  Her feller got her the new pink converse shoes and Momma ordered the Barbie shirt.  Astrid is nothing like Barbie but she gets called that often.  Doesn't she look pretty.
 Yesterday, both Astrid and Ingrid ran in the Jr. High track meet.  Astrid got 3rd in the mile.  That is without any training.  To train for the mile you have to have someone work with you on the third and fourth lap.  They should be the fastest.  Astrid runs a lot but training is different.  The coach will use a stop watch and time the laps and even half laps and the runner works on getting faster.  The two girls that beat Astrid were only about 10 to 15 steps in front of her.  She was first in the Russellville girls. When they asked Astrid if she would come and run, she had to get premission from the Soccer coach...which she did.  So she just showed up and ran.  She told them "I don't want to run against my Sister!"  Nothing like sisters, Sisters!

Ingrid ran the 800.  She is in Middle School and was running with Jr. High.  She got third in her heat and she passed a bunch of girls on that last straight away.  I could even see she was proud of herself as we were so proud of how she put forth a burst at the end.  Today Ingrid goes to Jr. High to work on her cheer leading.  The little girl with here below needs a lift over there so I will take both.
 These are Laura's irises near her garage...they are so pretty.
 This is what Laura shared with me this morning on my new phone.  My hens are not in henopause as I am getting a bunch of eggs everyday.


  1. Well, I found the pictures, but Lordy, Lordy, how would I find the one I want. I could see no way to sort by lastest post.

  2. Bet it is a birdhouse...She can show grpa...The girls are beautiful...I wonder if Clayton's iris's are blooming...Probably eaten down by goats..LOL Be glad to get home

  3. All my irises are blooming this morning. Hope the rain doesn't beat them down.
