
Sunday, April 12, 2015


 Our pasture is full of yellow weeds.  It would cost too much to spray the entire Meadow but I wish we could spray and fertilize it as I love seeing green grass.  Some folks think weeds are flowers, but they are not what we want our Meadow to be filled with.  If you have a farmer's blood in your veins, you will like clean fence rows and fields without weeds.  If you are a city person, you will want the weeds as they look like flowers and you will love the overgrown fences.  Weeds choke the grass.  Can you imagine how many seeds are in the yellow field!  Millions I am sure.  Larry is working on my weed trimmer, the roll around kind.  I want to be able to whack some weeds.  I told him I wanted a new one...he said we have two old ones...I will fix one.    He has it humming and now he has ordered a new belt for the drive.  We called Sears and they said they would have to order it.  Our shipping would be 7 dollars and it would take a week.  No thank you...we will order it ourselves 4 bucks shipping and half what they were changing.

 Larry sprayed my garden for weeds but now I must try to wait for them to die before we plant.  We need to get some seeds in the ground.  Helen said "won't it kill what you plant?".  No round up only kills what you spray it on.  It will not hurt your trees.  After you spray it, a good hot day helps.  Add a little dish washing liquid to the sprayer to help it stick where you spray it.  And just buy the generic...starts with a g but I forget the name.  It is the same chemical.
You don't want to spray when the wind is blowing as you will have "drift" and you might kill what you did not mean to.

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