
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Happy Mother's Day To Me

 Larry got me 8 new Bantie hens for Mother's Day.  Helen and Fleta, eat your heart out!  The new rooster is half barred and half bb bantie.  He is gold crested.    Below you see my new wren houses are hung HIGH!  The book Larry has said up to 11 feet high.  I will be so happy if I get a wren to build in one of them
 I love birds and chickens--got the same fowl gene as Patsy and Clayton!  We prefer the bantie eggs for eating and I like the big hens so I can have eggs for cooking.  Banties are not good layers, but they are not big eaters either.  It does not take much food for a little bantie.


  1. I do not care for cks. Like goats. should have some babies in a week or so.

  2. I think the chicken gene hit Pat skipped Richard hit Clayton skipped Fleta hit me.
    Every other kid. Wonder if Gilbert likes chickens?

  3. I thinned my flock down to four hens and a rooster. One of the hens hatched and raised babies for me last year and I kept her in hopes she would repeat that. So far, so good: I set her on 13 eggs day before yesterday.
