
Monday, June 1, 2015

Flag Waving

 Astrid finished her elephant Zen-tangle. I can not get it to stand up right.  Tried several things and still it is on it's side.

Helen has a Flag flying where she and I were born.  I was even born on Flag Day.  Today I am old enough for Medicare and it feels pretty good because I have been paying 799.00 a month for insurance.  I will keep the Retired Teacher supplement but still I got a big raise today and as Fleta says "and you don't even work".  Well, I try to work some each day.

About 6 of my tomatoes are dead.  I found some that came up volunteer and I will try to move them into the spots.

Larry about has my birthday present ready.  He is redoing our old Troy Built tiller.  After his motor work it started on the first turn of the key.  It has a pull start but also you can start it with a key.  I am excited.  It has not been used much but has sat since 1996 when Larry's Mom got sick with the brain tumor.  The tines still have red paint on them.


  1. I love the elephant, but I just close my eyes and pretend it is a donkey....❤️❤️❤️

  2. If you cannot get the elephant to standup, it may not survive. I don't think they can last long laying on their side like that.

    It is really beautiful. She needs to do Winnie a donkey.

  3. I will enjoy your blog. I can see you use a lot of photos.
