
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

To Hot To Trot

 I walked 4 miles yesterday and 2 today.  It was really hot.  The Surprise Lilies are springing up and that means cooler weather will be hre soon.  The sunflower makes me think "hot".  But the Lilies that shoot up overnight remind me of fall and cooler weather.  Both these pictures are from last July.  Last year the temperture averaged below 95 and this July above.  But we have had several rains so everything is still green.

Helen is about through with the back porch.  I wonder if she will start on that back bedroom next.  The bright white on the porch really made a clean statement.

So far Erin is liking the folks she is working with.  She is going to do the RN job in Boone County, but might transition to the other position someday.  She posted on FB that tall women make more money that short women!  They also can eat more without gaining weight.  Can reach stuff  on a tall shelf.  I am proud both my girls are tall!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Siggy looks so cute..glad you can walk in the mornings before it gets to hot. It is nice here in them mornings...
