Erin sent this of her Elephant Ear. They need lots of water. This one came back from last year. I really like Elephant Ears.
Helen tore an old cobbled up closet off the back porch. She is painting it. It really looks great. Well, this old doll head fell off a top shelf. It was either Mom's or Hettie's. I thought Hettie's but Helen said Hettie lived with Grandma when Grandma gave it to Momma so she thinks it was Mom's doll. Fleta, I think the reason Hettie used Blevins as a surname again was the people where she was living figured out she could draw more income off Calvin. They were married 10 years so she could draw off of him. That is when she took the name Blevins back.See how nice the back porch looks. I see those hooks on the wall above the window. I remember them. I think Daddy had a gun hanging there.
This little cabinet below the other one Helen found on the back porch. I should have went above the fridge but Clayton decided not to have them put it up. Helen was able to install it here. She has most of the stuff (dishes) she uses everyday in the little cabinet. Clayton has these cabinets built for his almost 6 feet height and Helen can not reach the stuff on the shelves without a step stool. She also cleaned the doors. Clayton had lived there over 20 years. He loved to cook and I know he did not scrub the cabinet doors. I am sure they were greasy.
Whoever built the cabinets for him used little cheap shelfing boards. They were about to fall in. Helen flipped them over so they can "warp" back into the correct shape. Fleta is getting her money's worth with Helen in the old house.
Helen said the shelfing was just on little brackets. Larry puts a small board to place the shelf on.
Ingrid got a bling bag for the dance team. Sister's can you see she uses our Daddy's bed?
Siggie took this of little Winnie hiding in the monkey grass. So sweet. Stay away snakes.
Neat photos, sis.