Astrid and Ingrid do a lot of extras at school. Ingie is playing volleyball and on the dance team. She has mostly ap classes too! Ingrid loves to read and loves her friends.
Notice both pictures have girls with red faces. Maybe it is make up. Greta will be in preschool again. She is four and will not be five until October.
Clayton will be in second grade! He is tall. He loves reading and learning about science and history. He loves legos. He is smart and does really well in school.
Astrid is going to run cross country this year. High Schools run 5 ks. She is a great athlete. She is going to play soccer. Astrid makes really good grades. She is so artistic. Her room is neat and orderly and she likes her life like that too.
Sigrid is the baby here. She is going to a new school. Not one of the kids from her old school are in the class. She will be fine, but I am nervous for her and will be glad when her first day is over. Eric, Laura and I know her teacher well. He is really a great teacher and we are so glad she is in his class. She told me she had never any a man for a teacher.
I sure hope all 5 of my kids have a great first day and pray the teachers will be kind and engaging! I am glad I am not going. I am starting my fourth year of retirement. Where has all that time gone!
So you are a retired teacher! How interesting!