Astrid is making a t-shirt rug. This is her first thing to crochet. It would make a nice rug using old t-shirts as it would be very soft. She bought these. She cuts them in one continuous string. It is going to look nice.
I started a pot holder for Sigrid and she is making it with a single crochet. I told her we could rip the entire thing out when she was finished and she could redo it to practice. When she got home she told her Momma there was no way she was ripping out the first thing she ever made!
I am still reading Grandpa's book. I wonder if he did not get it right after his brother Worthy died. It is three volumes in one book. I finished volume one and now am on number 2. Patsy had this book for a long time and gave it back to Mom and Mom gave it to me after Daddy died. So I have had it about 25 years. The part I am reading now is about flesh vs the spirit; heaven vs the world, and on and on. I thought about sin and the I in the middle of the word. Sin is thinking only about I. What I need, want, enjoy, etc. God and Lord have an O in the word for others. This is not in the book just my thinking. If we think of others rather than I or self , we would do more good.
Beautiful crafts, and Beautiful thinking from my Momma.