July 24, 1964
Red Dirt Road
Green Forest, AR
Dear Grandma,
I just wanted to thank you for sending me the information about my Great Grandparents. Although I never saw them, I at least know their names now and when they were born.
I hope you can read my letter. I write awfully sloppy. Momma said to tell you not to work too hard.
We dug potatoes today. We got about 10 gunny sacks full of potatoes. It was Daddy's day off.
Richard has a new job. It is for Billy Eldridge. Billy has two farms. Richard got this job and Daddy gets the other one this fall. This will make four times Richard has moved this year. Their new house is real nice. It's a six room house with a bath. He is moving 1st of August.
Momma got me some new shoes today. They are black canvas.
Tomorrow is Daddy's birthday. He'll be 49 years old. I'm going to make him some cookies tonight. Momma's going to make him a cake tomorrow. He doesn't have to work too hard but some times he is very tired.
What is Grandpa doing? Working, I bet.
Lovetta (my Aunt) came down to see you the other day, but you were not home. Lovetta is the one who lives down below us. She's Floyd's wife.
Dillard and Pat are coming home for a visit. The last of October. She said it was nice talking to you and Grandpa.
Barb and Richard will have a phone when they move. The number will be
Momma called Helen last night. She asked how you all were. She said her and Luckey were fine.
It rained here today and yesterday. The rains all together were about an inch.
Momma read your letter and enjoyed it. She said to tell you to write again sometime. I just love to write letters. Patsy is probably tired of getting letters from me. Momma doesn't like to write so she asks me to write for her.
We put 12 chickens in the deep freeze and 502 ears of corn. Barb and Richard are here so I will hush and finish this later.
Late 8:30 P. M.
We got a letter from Patsy today. Clayton is not working yet, but he will be soon. Dillard got a new car. Patsy said it was really pretty. She said the boys were fine.
I don't know if I will get to make my cookies tonight or not. I probably will if I hurry. It is 15 til 9.
We have bugs all over the place. They come in to the light.
Fleta's spider bite is well. It didn't get very sore.
Well, I'll quit and make my cookies. They'll probably turn out a flop because I can't cook too good, but I like to anyway.
The reason Lovetta came down was because her two girls had never been down there. And they wanted to see where you live.
Well, so long for now. 10 o'clock P.M.
Well, Grandma I got my cookies made. It took nearly an hour. They turned out okay. Momma said they are good. She also said I have to go to bed so I will close.
I may not get to mail this tomorrow, but I will pretty soon. Write soon and come down sometime. We never have time to go much of any where. I hope you can make out this letter.
With love your Granddaughter,
P. S. Thanks again for the information. I copied it into my Bible.
Patsy and Dillard came home in the fall after school started...I do not know year or month...but within a day or so of them coming home we had a nightime party ...fair like thing at the school...Fleta took you and me and Dillard gave us some money to goon and Patsy had made enchalatas that night for supper..she learned to cook mexican food in CA...