Laura cooked on Wednesday, hosted on Thursday, sat inside and watched it pour Friday and Saturday. She and Astrid planned a hike for Sunday. Rain was supposed to be over. Did not happen that way, but off the two went in the drizzle.
First they saw the Boxley elk. Laura said Astrid went down in the pasture toward them. She held her breath that a big bull elk did not charge at Asti, but all was well.
The hike they chose is called "hemmed in hollow". It has water falls and steep climbs. The water falls are only pretty during wet weather. Which we had today. I can see why it is called Hemmed In Hollow!.
Here is a good view of the bluffs.
Astrid climbed down to the water fall and Laura took her picture near the spray.
They wore warm clothes and layers, took a water bottle, and snack crackers. Laura said it was a great day. Laura had gotten she, Astrid and Sig rain gear to hike in for Christmas. She and Astrid unwrapped their's and wore the present today. She said "I'll wash 'em and Astrid will rewarp 'em". Some presents just keep giving.
There was flooded areas but none where they had to cross. They had a safe day, no mishaps. I asked if they saw other hikers to which Laura responded, "two very old men. I am sure one of them is dead by now, because the climb out of the hollow is straight up and it about killed me."
Neat photos! The girls must have had a great time!