Grandma Powell would be 125 years old today, I think. Grandma liked birds and I do too. She loved to work outside and enjoyed flowers and needle work. Only in the last couple of years, did I realize how much I am like her. She did not like to depend on others. She did not really care too much about her furniture and things in the house. She just kept the same old stuff. I recall she had roaches, but now I know that with those apartments to get by, she could not get rid of such stuff because they would just come back. Probably, like me, she just thought-"oh, well". I think she liked to create things. She was a hard working, talented, good woman is what I believe.
My Northern Flicker came by again and I see several Robins in the yard. I have learned a lot about birds here in my Meadow. Blue Birds are not seed eaters. They don't care about my Black Sunflower seeds. Robins don't either. Woodpeckers, Finches, Cardinals, Sparrows all love seeds. Robins will be on the ground looking for a worm. Blue Birds love the fence row where they can look out and watch for a bug. If we just look at nature and be still and quiet, we can learn a lot.
Fleta, I have read nearly all those books. I think you knew it and just brought them to rid yourself of clutter. I am thinking of sending some to Jonell, but I will keep the History of North Carolina by William Powell and of course the falling apart book was my favorite.
Yes I am sure Fleet just wanted them out of her way