
Friday, January 1, 2016


Picture one
Here are the first four pictures on the Sisters' Blogs. All posted in 2006.   Don't cheat, Helen.  Who posted one, two, three, and four?  Helen and Patsy started in February 2006.  Fleta came along in April and I did too.  I deleted what I had there in August 2006 and started again.  My first Blog I deleted was of the world, my second is of me.


  1. Well this is not easy....mainly because I think three pictures originated from Fleta....I THINK...#!
    #1 fleta
    #2 Helen
    #3 patsy...and that is the only one I am pretty sure of..
    #4 Betty

    I am not going to cheat and look so Betty when Fleta votes you will have to tell....

  2. ONGoodness...and that was 10 years ago...hard to believe

  3. Helen

    But fleta took 3 pics and Pat took the one of the snow
    Too bad one was not side ways and we would have known it was Betty's

  4. yes, a decade and we still have our Patsy. She wrote to
    entertain folks, but we have pieces of her in the posts
    and because we knew her we can sort some of the riff raff
    from what she said. Her core is there, but you have to
    remove the fluff sometimes to see her. She wrote and
    then chuckled at what she had posted!

  5. Helen posted the dirt road and talked about walking down it barefoot.
    Fleta posted Barb and Rich and spoke of thinking of Barb as our sister
    because we had had her in the family so long. Patsy posted the snow.
    Don't remember what she spoke of, but likely it had nothing to do
    with the picture. The creek is the Galla over where it goes into
    the AR River. I took it and posted it. Fleta did not take the
    picture of Galla Creek. ha!

  6. OK, I am changing my answer. I should have known the one really exceptional photo was the one I posted. Once in a while I post ordinary photos, but I really like to post only really good photos. I knew the snow was Patsy's porch, but I thought the one of Galla Creek was Calen's Creek. And, the first photo Helen posted was a pic I took of AZ when we passed by her house on the way to San Francisco.

  7. you are changing your answer.....after betty posted the answer....that is cheating

  8. Reading these comments is a hoot! I mentioned Patsy in my latest blog entry about window-peeping, as well as sister-three.
