
Monday, March 28, 2016

Mansion Over The MT.

 Mansion for the little chicks that is.  My new Patsy's husband bought her about 30 grown hens and then these little chicks.  One thing leads to have to have house for the new families.  Isn't it grand.  My old Patsy would love it.  I recall her "dog pen" chicken coops and terror with the neighborhood "bully" dogs when she tried to let the Guineas run loose.
 Fit for any feathered friend!

 Cousins at play.  Sigrid is always so good to come over and play with her two cousin friends.  They adore her.  They rode bikes, played hide and so seek, duck, duck goose, and lots of other fun games.

 Pop bought me a electric pressure cooker.  I think I am going to like it but you need intelligence to use it and I have little of that.
 I know Worthy Powell worked on this railroad.  I don't know if Grandpa and Uncle Jesse did or not.  It was called the Missouri and North Arkansas--which they said stood for "may never arrive".


  1. I think he only bought her thirty chicks. We got our story crossed.

  2. Mrs. Gigi....I do love my new "Chicken Condo". :) My chicks are loving their new home. I can't wait to start gathering eggs. Your chili that you made in your new electric pressure cooker was absolutely delicious. Thank you so much. It was so nice to come to school and have a homemade lunch prepared for me. You are so sweet to think of me. I feel blessed beyond measure to have such a friend as you. God picked you for me and it makes me feel very special! ~Amy

  3. Oh, Amy, I got my feathers crossed on your chickens as I thought some were grown.
    Patsy preferred chickens raised by her too. Also, she thought they needed to be replaced
    Each year!!! Me, I keep might til they die a natural death.

    My head is swelling from the chili praise!!
