
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Making Old New Again

I was able to till half of my garden today.  I go down each row twice and get close to both rows.  This is so much easier than trying to do everything with a hoe.  Before long I can gravel potatoes.  Where did that term come from?  I don't know, but that is what Granny and Momma always said.  Momma would scrap them and roll them in corn meal, salt and pepper and fry in iron skillet.  She kept it low so they could get done and the outside was crispy brown.  Oh, nothing was better---but we were always hungry.  Each evening we had a pan of corn bread and cows milk and green onions if it was that time of year.  It was delicious.
 Larry made my worn out wheel barrow--all new again.  He ordered the handles and wedges off the internet.  When the wedges came--they sent one.  He had to order again to have a set!  Two handles came.  He painted the outside blue again.  Glad he did not paint the inside as I would hate to use it and get it dirty.  I am going to collect some horse manure in it after I get my tomatoes out.  Which I plan to do by Saturday.
 We bought this when we were building the brown brick house. 1989, the year after Daddy passed.
 It has a new tire and new bolts.  Better than a new one to me.  I plan to store it out of the weather under my shed.
 I love my new Instant Pot--pressure cooker.  I fixed ribs last night.  You pressure them in apple juice and then put in the oven on each side with sauce about 15 minutes.  They were really good.
 Another Iris blooming.  I hope to find a bed for yellow irises this year so next spring I can have yellow ones blooming.  The yellow are in the weeds beyond the fence.  Larry's Mom put them in the yard, but I guess rains have moved them about 2 feet and now they are in the pasture.  I want to save them.

 The geese turned out to be a family.  I guess they wintered here on Gala Lake.  When I tried to take a picture, Momma would hover near them and they would set down in the grass.   Papa Goose was a little ways off keeping watch.  I did not get him in the photo.

 This is the other half of my garden ....still too wet to plow.  Larry said plowing wet ground will ruin your soil.  It will clod and clump.  The soil needs to not have those wet looking areas before you plow!  I am dumb, but my husband knows everything about gardening.


  1. Your garden is beautiful....I want to know more about graveling potatoes. I have never heard of that before. Love the new old wheelbarrow. When I get use to a tool I like to keep it because it is hard to get use to a new one. ~Amy-Patsy

  2. What a nice garden. You are very talented. Not everyone knows about gardens. I sure don't.
