
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Read Me A Story

Greta is reading to her doll.  I forget the doll's name but she is very real to Greta.  I am sure Erin reads to Greta and Clayton.  Patsy, Fleta, Helen, and I all loved to read.  My Mother never read a story to us.  Dad read some but not a lot.  Laura has read to her girls and probably still does some.  I know being read to enhances one's chances to grow up to be a reader, but also I believe it is just in our dna whether we like to read or not.  Pleasure reading, I mean.  Still reading to children helps them learn to read and even if reading is not something one chooses to do for pleasure being able to read well is a skill that will aid anyone in adulthood.  If reading is a chore or difficult or impossible, lots of doors in life are closed and can not be opened.  I believe my Mother thought reading was a waste of time.  Something that denoted laziness; but, even with all her misgivings, four of her daughters became readers for pleasure.  Clayton was a good reader.  Of course, Debbie Lee, being handicapped was not.  I do not know about Richard and Gilbert.  I feel strongly that given the chance my brother Richard would have been a good reader.

Just by looking at Greta and her doll, you can see that she thinks reading is fun.  Reading to children helps to light that candle within.  Once the candle burns it may flicker and at times almost go out, but it is there and ready to flame up when needed.

I am reading a book I ordered myself for my birthday.  The mothers in the memoir are readers.  Through generations of known women they read for pleasure.  Seeing others read is a fan for the flame of one's candle.  Being read to by someone who enjoys reading adds fuel to one's inner flame, but I believe much of the ability is innate.   I am really happy that I can entertain myself by reading.  Surely, tv is not going to fill that void.  News now is let me cram this down you throat until you throw up.  Everything is excess.  I guess my excess is loving to read.


  1. This is a sweet picture! All of our family loves to read. Even the younger ones love to read a book. Their devices are nice but all of our family would rather hold a book to read. I have always told my students, "If you can't read, you can't grow in other areas. Everything we do in life requires reading." I try to find that one book that they can't put down, then they will be hooked for life. If you don't learn to read, you will be come a slave to others who can. I always ask them, "How are you going to know if they are reading the correct thing to you or just making up what they want you to know?" Reading is that important. My soapbox for the day. :) ~Amy-Patsy

  2. I'm reading Jean Shepard's autobiography (the country singer). She tells tales about all the old country singers, and the book is unique because it's written the way she speaks... so an English teacher would probably go crazy mentally correcting the errors.

    I went to her website and found an email address for her, so I sent her this message: "I've always loved your singing, and now that I'm reading your book, I love YOU, too. It's like reading a letter from home. You write the same way you talk, down-home and natural. I love the stories you tell.
    I like people who are genuine. I only wish you could come to Missouri so I could get my book autographed.
    Just wanted you to know I appreciate you." Donna Wood

    Within two hours I received a reply. You will forgive the lack of punctuation and misspelling once you read the reply from 82-year-old Jean:
    "hi donna, thank you for your kind e-mail. i am in verry poor health but i wanted to answer your letter. i have parkinsons diesease, neurophathy, diaebeates and dimeantia so it has taken me over thirty minits to write this as i am a 'HUNT AND PECK" TYPER LOL.
    my sincere thanks."

    I was touched by her reply, and thanked the good Lord that I wrote to her while she could still comprehend what I was saying.
