
Thursday, June 9, 2016

Working In the Sun

 I dug a lot of my potatoes today.  I will need to get them all out of the ground before it rains.  I put them in an old coke crate under the far shed.  That was the coolest place I could think of.  I dug this many about 3 times and will try to get the rest tomorrow or Saturday.

 Astrid played basketball in a little tournament today.  They do that in the summer to get to play.
 I took Sigrid to Swim Team this morning..  She is the 3rd from the left.  When he said go, you only see her feet as she got a good dive into the water.
 Cora killed a rat and put it on my back porch for me to see.  I did not take it anyway from her.  I think she caught it near my chicken pen.
 Laura and Eric had to leave to take Ingrid to the airport at 2:30 this morning.  She is already in DC and toured the Smithsonian today.

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