If I have something they can take while I sleep
Sneaking in quietly destroying my labor.
Pop took the Massey into the pasture we have rented and cut about a third of the field. Part of what the renter is supposed to do is bush hog the pasture twice a year. Well, bushes would soon be trees as he is not a keeper of his word. I "kept watch" as he worked because I have to go to the gate and let him out so the horses don't escape. Renting the pasture is more trouble than it is worth. I have to go over in the field before Larry does the part near the fence to make sure he has not left some stuff lying in there that will tear up our bush hog.
Ingrid made the paper in her Volleyball match. They lost. In sports, you learn to win but also lose.
I think I would decide not to rent that pasture. That's more trouble then it's worth.