Sigrid gave me a tour of her room. She has been keeping it cleaner than the pig sty it used to be. It was very neat and so cleverly decorated. I sort of doubt it was ever a "sty".
Could the outer covering of the pineapple be like the "armor of God". Wear it Sigrid.
Astrid made this wall picture for Sigrid. Lots of good advice! Below is a close up of Sig's new curtains. Her room it orange, turquoise, and bright pink!
Swan with a long slender neck so she can see all around!
Bulletin board that Pop cut the board and she made with Momma's help.
Wall hanging she created. I really like it.
Reader's Digest book cut in an S.
Pink and orange lamp and a minute timer so she can study 3 minutes at a time.
I think she said she paid 5 dollars for this--maybe from T J Max. She likes that store.
Cross her Poppa made her.
I love Siggie the cartoon lady.
She bought the desk from Asti for 20 dollars. Astrid had painted it. Maybe she got the stool too. I am not sure. I see the afghan Gigi crocheted.
Wall shelf handed down from Astrid. It is an arrow.
More framed photos.
Sigrid when she was just a tot.
Door sign by Poppa.
Very nice!