
Saturday, May 13, 2017

Bird Watching

 Blue Birds do not come to the seed feeders.  They eat worms, bugs, and such.   This pretty one was in the garden today.
 Chickadees have built a nest in the bird house Larry placed high on the Ash tree.  The entry hole is the size for a wren so none of the big birds can bother them.
 I mixed up suet this week.  All of the birds love it.  Just throw in what you have in grease.  I put peanut butter, ground orange peel, oats, corn meal, raisins, and some seeds.  I bought a strainer at the Dollar Tree to put it in.  That way if it rains the water will run through.
My Woodpecker is still here.  Hope he stays.  Larry said he saw two but so far I have only spied one.

Astrid ran in the "best of the best" race today--Meet of Champs.  The relay team took 5 or 6th.  Just being in this meet is an honor.

1 comment:

  1. You have such neat ideas for feeding your birds. I never have grease so I can't make suet. But I buy bird seed to feed my birds. I am out right now. They greedily went through all I put in there yesterday.
