
Tuesday, June 6, 2017

New Bikes

 Clayton is growing like a wild weed.  Erin said the kids needed new bikes and I sent money to get them.  Clayton really loves his I can tell.  It is really nice to have a big, flat backyard.  The old backyard was a hill full of walnut trees.
When my two were young, I would not let them watch tv during the day.  I still don't like tv.  Well, I sometimes let them watch PBS in the morning for about an hour.  Then it was turned off.  They could watch cartoons Saturday morning.  Our TV was from an antenna so it was not much fun watching it.  I still hate having the tv on in the daytime.  Seems like one should be doing something.  Now, reading is another thing.  That is my fav.

Greg got the play equipment moved.  He pulled a muscle moving it.  Erin was afraid it might be a hernia so he went to the DR but found it was a pulled muscle.  Both hurt but I would prefer a pulled muscle.  Greta loves the gym.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the TV. There's nothing but PBS worth watching anyhow and the commercials are horrible. I always mute them when I watch the news. I only watch the weather, the news and PBS. None of the programs are anything worth watching...just junk!
