
Monday, July 31, 2017

Helen's New Pump

Greg welded Helen's pump near her bird bath.  I remember having a pump similar to this one in the kitchen.  There was never enough water in the cistern for it to work.  I guess Daddy thought it was a good idea.  Gilbert gave the pump to Helen's grandson.  The grandson gave it to Helen.

Water Park Fun

The water park that Erin and Greg take the kids to is call Wolf Creek.  This was a last hurrah before back to school again.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Off To The Water Park

Erin and Greg are taking Clayton and Greta to KC to the water fun park.  They love playing and swimming and I am sure will have a great time.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Senior Pictures

Today, Astrid went for senior pictures.  I can't believe she is a senior in High School.  These are the pictures for the year book.  One will have a black wrap and the other a red cap and gown.  I need to find the one of Laura in the red cap and gown.  She hated it with her hair.  Astrid's art talent extends to make up.  Doesn't she look great for her school photo.  

She will have special pictures made also to remember her senior year.

 Last night Astrid ran the CC practice with her friend, Kayla, for her Coach.  He had a meeting.  She asked me to tag along as the "adult".   I just sit in the shade and it was 100 there.   I know the poor runners were dying.  After practice, Astrid and Kayla had watermelon for them.  There were about 35 runners there.  I thought I might have to get up and help a few times as Kayla did not get much respect.  The kids did not do that with Astrid.  Kayla yelled at them and she was too close to their ages for that.  Astrid had to man a bike and ride around to make sure every kids was ok.  They are practicing at Tech this year and I say it is not a good location.  Too many streets and hidden places where something could go wrong.  Astrid did great!  Lead quietly if you are the same age as your students.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Worked All Day

 Worked up corn today.  I had 30 bags.  Laura had 8.  Plus we sent some to Amy~Patsy and I took about 40 ears up to our friend Bernie and Betty who live a few miles from us.

 It took all day to cut the corn off.  I finished about 6 p. m.  First I worked on the counter, but got so exhausted that I covered the table with plastic and sit down to do the rest.  There will be more corn, but I am not gathering any tomorrow.  This corn is called Merit.

Grandma Myrt

This is the house Eric would stay in when he went to Grandpa's.  Howard now lives in a condo.

Eric and Astrid went to Minnesota to see his Grandpa Howard.  His Grandma Myrt died before Laura and Eric married.  Howard is about 95--not real sure of his number--but it is in the 90s.  Eric went to his Grandmother's grave and placed a flag.  Myrt was a WAC.  Every summer Myrt and Howard would send plane tickets to Eric and Ruby (deceased) and the kids would go north for a month or so.  Eric remembers it fondly--people who cared for him.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Ingie's Home, Astrid's Gone

 Eric and Astrid are in Minnesota visiting Eric's Grandfather.   He is in his 90s.  They found a waterfall there.   Astrid's favorite!

 Sigrid is running cross country and needed new shoes for the year.  Her's were pretty much worn out.  They found these in Russellville on sale.
 Astrid and her boyfriend, Logan.

 Erin said Clayton and Greta were being nice to one another above.
Greta loves to pick her clothes, but Erin said she chose the wrong season Sunday.
I hope the place on her face gets better soon.
 Tall socks for Greta again today,

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Ingie's Home Again

And we are all so happy.  She went to the beach with BFF Avery and stayed a week.  Seems like she was gone longer.
Several families went to the same place.  Here is Ingie with some of her friends.   Don't think any of these are a "boy" friend.
Helen took my advice and got a truss--I think that is what it is called.  Anyhow, it wraps around her and Velcros.  I think she said it had two connections.   As long as she is wrapped tight, she does not hurt.  She says she is getting better.  Helen is a big help to Sister Fleta--Flet is almost 70--she may want to keep that quiet and she works a full time job and is raising two young whipper snappers--Grands.  She leaves for work about 4:30 in the morning so she can get home in the early afternoon.  By Friday, Flet is worn out!   I can't even imagine.   Helen is always willing to help anyway she can.  All three Sisters are very different, but still very much alike.    Thanks, Helen, for helping raise Hannah and Robert.  

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Greta And Clayton Staying Cool

Clayton and Greta have graduated from using life jackets!  Learning to swim well!

Sigrid--The Fish

 Sigrid did really well at the swim meet last evening.  She swam in the individual medley and was totally awesome.  She had to swim a lap during the back stroke, butterfly, breast stroke, and free style.  They put the boys in the race to save time.  Sigrid beat everyone in her heat.  Since there are heats, we are still not sure how many firsts and seconds she earned, but she did well.
 Above Dad is cheering her on and below she is in the lead.  The next girl lost the lead and I think they took second in this relay.  Sigrid was fabulous.

 Siggie went early and helped the coaches with the little kids.  Laura said she was really bossy--guess she gets that from me.
Looks like she is saying, "yeah, right!"

Friday, July 21, 2017

Heating Up

Supposed to hit 99 degrees today.  Hot to a fat person!

 Astrid sent the above photo to me.  I think RSD is using her photo on their website!  Good choice, I say.
 We have a grass called Bahalia or Bahai in our yard.  A stem will grow up with a little top on it.  The stem is tough.  This is a good pasture grass but not good in the yard.
 Larry bought two loads of loam soil.  He is going to spread it on the garden this fall.  There has been a garden here since 1982.   It has slowly sunk.  Hope to have a good harvest next year.  He will spread the dirt, turn it under and then till it.
 I can't believe it!  The above Lily has bloomed 4 or 5 times this year.  Below, I had another Tiger Lily bloom.  It is on the west of the house and I guess because of the tree there it gets less sun.
 Because of the stemy grass, Larry bought new blades for the Bad Boy Lawn Mower.  He is under the mower in the photo.  He was having a terrible time getting the blades off so he got the Kubota with the forks on it and lifted it up about a foot.  Then it was smooth sailing.  It did cut a lot better with the new blades ($52.00).  We had not changed them in two years.  Larry takes care of everything we have.  The Bad Boy is pretty old, but everyone says it looks new.  It chewed up belts when we first got it so Larry took it apart and re-engineered the deck giving it about another inch of space for the belts.  It works so much better.
 Greta likes "tall" socks, Erin said.
 Saw this on Instragram---might be Ingie's feller, but I am not sure.
Found this old picture of my girls and I in the aprons Helen made us.  I think it was 2013.  She is still hurt from slopping the hogs and hitting the fence.  Hope she will feel better soon!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

By Squash!

Still picking lots of squash.  Corn will be ready in a few weeks.  My tomatoes are not good this year.  Always another season so hope lives on.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

In The Heat

 Sigrid is swimming and running in the heat.  Her last swim meet is Friday evening.  I hope it is cooler.  She is going to run cross country so 2 days a week she works out with her coach.  Since swim practice is in the morning, Sigrid has to go to the evening run workout.  It is really hot.   After this week, she can go to the morning practice with Astrid.   There is about 20 degrees difference in the temperatures in the two sessions.
 I am too lazy to change these pictures upright.  Fleta posted how but it is such a chore.  Just turn your head sideways and you can see little Sig is red and sweating from all the work.

Sunday, July 16, 2017


 Clayton and Greta's cousins--Katie and Hunter spent the night last night.
 Yesterday, they went to the pool and last night watched a movie.
 This morning--donuts and milk for breakfast.

 Then--off to Sunday school.

 I picked my first okra and my peas are coming up.  Stay away intruders.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Intruders In The Night

 This morning while we were sitting on the back porch with our coffee, Larry said that he thought Cora might be losing her mind as she was angled with her back to us and staring at her dog bed.  She continued this for the longest time.  Larry said we should move her food bowl as a mouse might be after her food.  She loves her food and he felt that could be the reason for her focus.  Well, I got the hoe to move her wooden bed that he had built for her and I saw a head peering out from the back!  It was not a mouse.  Larry had gone inside for his shirt, but I called him back and he tipped up the box and told Cora to "sic it".  She did and now I will have to mop the porch as snake blood is coated there.  It may have been a water moccasin.  I hope not, because she was slinging it all over.  I did see yellow stuff that could be venom on the porch.  Anyway, Cora is not staring any more and she is not going to go the the dog nursing home for dogs who have senility.
 The other intruder's tried to enter my garden of Galla from the rear.  They hit the hot wire and ran but broke it so Larry will have to repair it today.  I am so happy that it keep the intruders out of my patch!  There were no tracks and I would be able to see them as I plowed up part of the garden on Thursday.  After they got their shock, they took off.  I hope to never return as peas are their favorite food and I planted 3 rows.  Larry said 60 days to harvest.  He knows all the harvest times.  It is amazing to me.  I know very little.

Larry said he will repair the "electric dead bolt" garden fence today.   I am thrilled.
This was in the paper today.  Marshall, 1912, Main Street
J. H. Gentry said he was working 10 hours for $3.00!  
Dirt street with horse manure and a wooden side walk.