
Friday, July 21, 2017

Heating Up

Supposed to hit 99 degrees today.  Hot to a fat person!

 Astrid sent the above photo to me.  I think RSD is using her photo on their website!  Good choice, I say.
 We have a grass called Bahalia or Bahai in our yard.  A stem will grow up with a little top on it.  The stem is tough.  This is a good pasture grass but not good in the yard.
 Larry bought two loads of loam soil.  He is going to spread it on the garden this fall.  There has been a garden here since 1982.   It has slowly sunk.  Hope to have a good harvest next year.  He will spread the dirt, turn it under and then till it.
 I can't believe it!  The above Lily has bloomed 4 or 5 times this year.  Below, I had another Tiger Lily bloom.  It is on the west of the house and I guess because of the tree there it gets less sun.
 Because of the stemy grass, Larry bought new blades for the Bad Boy Lawn Mower.  He is under the mower in the photo.  He was having a terrible time getting the blades off so he got the Kubota with the forks on it and lifted it up about a foot.  Then it was smooth sailing.  It did cut a lot better with the new blades ($52.00).  We had not changed them in two years.  Larry takes care of everything we have.  The Bad Boy is pretty old, but everyone says it looks new.  It chewed up belts when we first got it so Larry took it apart and re-engineered the deck giving it about another inch of space for the belts.  It works so much better.
 Greta likes "tall" socks, Erin said.
 Saw this on Instragram---might be Ingie's feller, but I am not sure.
Found this old picture of my girls and I in the aprons Helen made us.  I think it was 2013.  She is still hurt from slopping the hogs and hitting the fence.  Hope she will feel better soon!