
Thursday, August 31, 2017

More Volleyball

 Sigrid played again and I was lucky enough to get to see her!   She got her serves over the net.  This is the gym where I worked.  Right away I notice the air conditioning!  No air when I was there!
 This is how I cut the okra--out of the top.  As you cut each piece you lop off the leaf where it formed.  The plant will do better and need less water to survive this way.  Plus it is just easier.  Okra has something on it that makes one itch.  After cutting it, you have to wash your arms and hands.

Notice the dead corn stalks.  Larry can't bush hog it down because of the watermelons growing in the rows of corn.
These are called Swamp Daisies.  They will bloom in late September or October.  Look how welted they were this morning.  I watered them.  They are an African sun flower and the swamp in their habitat explaining why they have to have lots of water.

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