When Erin and Clayton and Greta came Saturday for our birthday celebration, Laura got in her attic and pulled out Barbie Doll furniture for Greta. She loves it. Two big tubs of furniture and appliances. Clayton told me he sure wished one of Auntie Laura's girls had been a boy. Poorest little, fellow!
I took this with my phone on my morning stroll. I forget what this plant with the purple berries is called. Amy~Patsy will know! I know it is a weed that Larry hates as we can't clear the pond bank as we used to do, but isn't lovely.
When I went on my walk this week about 6:30, I could see that most of Laura and Eric's house was sleeping; however, little Sig was up and getting ready because her Dad leaves early. He is gone by 7, but I know why. A teacher is worn out at the end of the day. If any planning or gathering is to be done, it as to be in the morning before school begins.
This is a phone photo and it is turned wrong, but it is a little yellow bell looking wild flower. Nice.
This is bitter weed. Keep the cows out of it or their milk will taste horrendous.
Not positive. I looked up yellow breasted chat and I think it could be one of those. ~Amy-Patsy