
Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas

 We celebrated Christmas yesterday at Laura's.  Thanksgiving is at Erin's.  We had finger foods.  I love Laura's Christmas cookies.
 Laura's bunch is on their way to Moab, Utah for 5 days.  We have their dogs to keep us company.
 The pumpkin roll is so good with coffee.
 Laura has a beautiful tree.  She has most of my old ornaments because she had a tree way before Erin.  She hangs Aunt Betty's eggs high!
 Clayton goes straight for the desserts.  He takes after Gigi.
 Logan and Astrid!  Logan is very nice.  Pop and I both like him.  Down to earth and works everyday.
 Greta and her cousin's stockings.
 Eric--a jewel!
 Greg--pure gold!  He had worked all night.
 Pop gets a hug for each gift of cash. 

 No one had to beg Clayton to hug Pop. 

 Grandchild number 5 or 1 whichever way you look at it.

 Erin got the girl's selfie lights!  Ingrid liked the gift.
 Erin gifted a gag gift to Pop.  It is a baby book for a CAT.  He hates cats.  She really got him some house shoes which he loved.  He fell hook line and sinker for the cat baby book.  He kept mumbling--I hate cats.

 After Erin went home the girls came over for the gifts Pop made them.  Sig got a bedside table that can be used for a small desk--solid oak.  Ingrid got a record player stand with a shelf for records, and Astrid got a desk that raises to be used as an easel.   They love their special made gifts.  Pop cried but Ingie sat on his lap and helped him get over it.
Larry's two brothers are coming today to have dinner.  We are having chicken and dressing.  Hope it will be good.

Merry Christmas--another one gone by.  I have spent 47 Christmases with Larry!  He got me a sewing machine.  I have to get it out and learn to use it.  I got him a band saw. 

Love all my family and friends.  Jesus was born in the summer--but oh well.  Back in history some folks did not know the date they were born.  If they knew it was winter, most chose December 25 as the day to celebrate their birth! 


  1. Merry Christmas, Gigi... have a blessed day. ~Amy-Patsy

  2. I got an ancestry DNA kit ...I️ hope to s nd it off this week. Merry Christmas Betty🎄❤️
