
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Going To Pot....Pie

 My pot pie turned out very tasty.  I told Larry I might do it again in 10 more years.  I used Betty C pie crust but let him think it was made by Betty R.  Since I started with a whole raw chicken, it was an all day chore.  Next, I want to try donuts again.  I made them for the girls some in their youth.  But I will have to rest a week or so before I try that.  I recall I had trouble finding the right size of cutter for the middle.  And...I wonder what type of oil would leave the least after taste from frying!?   Well, I have a while to ponder the donut adventure.  I will make them on the weekend so I can send some over across the Meadow!  Laura says the Pioneer Woman has a good recipe so I will use her advice on that.
Laura sent this and I thought--who is Ingie walking with at school.  Well, it is Sig and the young fellow's name is Gabe.  Sig's locker is right by Mr. C's room.  It is the same one the other girls used.  If Gabe hangs out by Sig's locker, Mr. C pops out of his door and tosses water bottlees at him.  Oh, the trials the Rid girls (AstRID, IngRID, SigRID) have endured having their Dad as their English teacher and watcher of all their hall activity in school!  

Fleta says she believes Rootsweb will rise from the dead.  I hope so as I miss the reference.  

I am thinking of going to the library to see if I can find anything to read.  I have been working on the pastel afghan from the scraps of yarn Helen gave me--that Tony gave her.  It is almost ready to sent to Douglas Road.  

Erin and I spoke today about decisions we made as young girls growing up.  Erin said she always felt she was "better" than others she observed.  Now, that is not elitist thinking--but better as not to do, say, or choose some of the things others did.  It is a feeling of self worth.  I was taught to think that way and Erin said she thought that way also.  I hope it was from my example.  For I firmly believe children learn by example and not by the "harping" words of parents.  They see YOU so it is like the country song--"I'm watching you".  They may not listen but they see.  Don't let them see you lie, cheat, steal, manipulate...they will learn to do just that.  

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