
Sunday, January 14, 2018

Take Your Pick

What is worse than cold, cold?  Ice and snow on top of cold, cold.  The top picture is Denver, AR; the next is Harrison, next Galla Meadow and then an image Helen sent from the Douglas Road!  All look miserable to me.

I was planning on going to Kroger for a few things this morning but the urge went away when I saw how dreary the weather looked.

Amy~Patsy sent Larry and I a cookie Friday.  It was made with cranberries and oatmeal and so good.  Not much sugar--just enough.  After she mixed them up, they were to sit in the refrig for a certain amount of time and I think that is what made them so delicious.  All the flavors were mixed and perfect.

Erin does not have to work tomorrow.  I know she is glad to get to stay home.  The Rids don't have to go to school, but I think Eric has to attend professional development.  I am not sure about Laura.

 Clayton and Greta have ventured out into the covering of snow.  I think those things they have are sleds!
 Greta is sitting in high style here.  Maybe are Erin's office?
Pray for others.  I have may precious friends.   I give thanks for them today.  Also, rejoice in all the blessings I have received and continue to enjoy. 

My devotional today reminded me that we are not self sufficient and that our bow and sword will not save!  We need help and will receive it when we ask!  What a Friend!  Always nearby, caring and protecting us!

It was 27 here last evening.  Warmer than I expected and I see the sun starting to shine.  Light overpowers dark!   I praise the Light!


  1. Gigi-
    So glad you enjoyed your cookies. I will definitely make the recipe again. We loved them with our coffee.
    I enjoyed your devotional today. I am blessed with wonderful friends that love and care about me. So glad that I have our Heavenly Father as my best friend. I am blessed beyond measure.

    I, too am tired of the cold frigid air. I am a warm weather girl that loves the sunshine. Yes, I love the light. Thank you for being a friend to me. ~Amy-Patsy

  2. It is 29 degrees here in Coffeyville, Kansas and snowing hard. I will stay inside. Tomorrow is my hair appointment but I will play that by ear.
