
Friday, February 2, 2018

Help, Sisters

Jonell sent me this through the mail.  It says--Rudd girls minus Lorissa!  Lorissa was working that day.  OK, I think it is Cindy, Jonell, Barbara, Frances Sue, and on right is Mary Ellen.  Where is Esther Fay?  Who is seated in white jacket.  Maybe Esther is not in the picture and Jonell just did not explain thinking I should know who all these ladies are!  Well, I don't.   Help, Sisters!

I went to the library yesterday and got a stack of books.  One is a memoir by Harvey Young, who was superintendent at one time where I worked.  I worked with his wife for 20 years.  He was born in the 1920's.  I am reading and enjoying it, but only because I know the cast, so to speak!

It is cool day.  Only 35 degrees now at 11 o'clock. 

Greta got silly putty all over her comforter.   She blamed it all on brother Clayton.  Erin used hand sanitizer and got it all out.  Erin said the alcohol in the hand stuff was the key.  Greta said Clayton sat on the putty and caused it all.  Erin was under the weather one day this week and stayed home.  She stayed in the bathroom until Greg took Greta and Clayton to school.  She said Greta would have had a fit to stay home with her.  I recall loving to take a day off and spend the entire day alone at home! 

I have not read my devotional yet and am going to do that now!  Hope you have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. cindy, jonell, barbara, francis sue, mary ellen, and easther in white jacket
