Twin Falls on Richland Creek is beautiful. Not nearly as pretty when water is not flowing. Erin and the kids had to wade the creek to get here, but it was well worth it!
Laura still works with her little client, Alivia. She goes twice a week. Alivia calls her LaLa! Reminds me of Debbie Lee.
Spring is here and these will soon be gone. I love the simple old timey flowers.
890 number works on a cell now. I am thrilled. Fleta did it and said I could too! Sure helps when your big Sister goes first and you follow. She hands out advice freely and does not care if you take it or not.
The purpose of my Blog is not to entertain. Lordy, if it were I would be at a loss. I use this Blog as a journal--a log! I can go back and see what I have long forgotten. I plan to continue but it is a chore. I will truck on and see if I can keep it up the "rest of my life" as that is my goal.
I’m so thrilled you all keeps me connected to you. Wish I️ could make mine work😡