The above photo is from Friday and I did not make it up for that event, but below is the picture from our afternoon visit. It was really great to see all my old classmates. Linda King--left on first row above--made us the nicest booklet with bios that Tommy Newberry had emailed and written to our classmates and obtained. Even several that did not attend sent a bio. I am proud to have graduated from this small school. We had caring, capable teachers. Two attended--Mr. Johnston and Fred Berry.
Helen--both girls took lye soap. Erin took the yellow doily and Laura the other two. Greta loved the book and is reading to you from it here. I told her we read from the same one when we were in second grade. She is only in first but is an advanced reader.
Today my devotional was about being anchored to the Rock!!! We are adrift at times in rough waters--but if we will take a minute to recall Christ is our anchor. All we have to do is get a hold of that strong rope and pull ourselves to the Rock. There we are safe from all harm. Sometimes, I forget about my Rock and allow myself to be tossed and turned, but all I have to do is get to the Rock and all is well. Today, I recall I am safe because he died for my sins and gave me that free gift of salvation. Praise Him today! My Rock Christ--on Christ the might Rock I stand.
Oh my goodness I love her reading that book what a great thing