Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Ear Is Found
Harrison Library called Erin and Greta's hearing aid was found and turned in. Oh, Happy Day!! They are over $1000 each and we felt since they were 4 years old, Greta should just have two new ones. Now, it is only the ear molds that she will have to purchase and they are only about $100.00. Soon, Greta will have to get new "ears" but not this time!
In the video, Greta is reading "Little House in the Big Woods". She finished it. Next, she is going to read about Laura living on the prairie. The Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum is only about 2 hours from Erin so after Greta reads about Laura living in Kansas, Erin said they would go to the Museum. Laura Ingalls thought they lived in Oklahoma, but it was Kansas. She also thought the U S Government made them move, but researchers have discovered the problem was in Wisconsin. Pa sold his farm in the "Big Woods" to a man who was going to pay it out. He paid only one time and defaulted. That is why they went back north. Pa spent the first allotment buying a huge strong plow to turn the prairie soil. It was so heavy they could not haul it home so they gave it to a neighbor. I am pretty sure I did not read these books until I was in the 4th grade. Greta is an advanced 1st grader!
I was in 4th grade Miss Ashley's class I remember it well