
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ingrid is In !

 My friend of 60 years came to see me today.  So wonderful to see her.

And...Whoopie, my Ingie has been accepted to the Honors College at University of Arkansas.  This dummy had to look it up and read about what it was.  I am so proud of little Ingrid!

The Honors College at the University of Arkansas enhances the learning of students by sharing unique learning experiences with participants. From 10-15% of Arkansas undergraduates participate in the Honors College. Entering freshman for the Honors College have an average score of 31 on the ACT and 4.0 high school GPA.  Honors students benefit from smaller classes, priority registration, special housing and opportunities for hands-on research. Each year the Honors College awards up to 90 freshman fellowships worth $72,000 over four years and more than $1,000,000 in research, study abroad and service learning grants.  The Honors College serves all undergraduate majors.


  1. I don't blog but read your wonderful blog news. So happy to read this! Like you, I am a grandma of wonderful grands. Me- one graduated from ASU & employed in Boston; the next a 2nd year at Carleton College- 4.0. Heartfelt congrats to you, kiddos & grands!

  2. Congratulations to Ingrid! Her hard work is paying off!!!

  3. 2nd thought... she sure is not a dumb blond
