
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Working To Live

 Laura and all workers will feel the time change this week.  The mix up of sleep makes one very tired.  My New Patsy sent me molasses cake yesterday.  Laura texted that it was on the table.  She was too tired to stop by.  I walked with Phinnie to feed the fish and get the mail.  I picked up our treat.  I kept thinking Daddy would love this.

Right away I noticed Laura had posted a warning on the thermostat.  If you aren’t the one paying the bill you think more about comfort than economy.  Pay your bills and not much left.

Erin paid for Greta’s pictures and then got a note asking if she wanted to order them.  She’s having to find her cancelled check.

I laid Amy’s cake on my sale paper and I thought the headline fit with my sweet very well.  Thank you, Amy!


  1. You are welcome! I love baking and sending treats to you and Pop. ~Amy-Patsy
