
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Walking On

Laura, Phinnie and I have been walking near the Dam on the Arkansas River.  She spotted this pretty flower.  It’s a lily of some type or maybe an iris.  It’s very safe walking here.  Rangers are always near.  I also notice the Russellville Police drive though often.  Phinnie loves going for a stroll.  Walk is in his vocabulary.  If I say walk, he twirls in circles like a ballerina.

It’s cool this morning.  I have not used my air yet.  The temperature is very bearable.  Tomorrow I am getting a haircut and I am happy to see this day arrive.

I hope your day goes well.  Sister Patsy always said.... as the world turns....

1 comment:

  1. Good on your haircut. Mine was moved to the 20th of May from the 5th. Kansas is very conservative during the virus scare.
