
Friday, July 17, 2020

Harrison Today

 Went to Harrison today to watch Ada.  Marge had a Dr. appointment.  It was easy.  Ada never cries. She just smiles.  She slept about 3 hours in the afternoon.  I sat in her room and read.

Greta always helps.  I gave her a little tip.  She has a new bike and can really go fast on it.  Clayton went with his Dad to the store.
Fleta will have second cataract surgery next Wednesday.  This one is doing fine.

Asa mandated masks and many are upset.  We have to wear shoes in stores.  I am proud he was brave enough to take a stand.  I have been wearing my mask, but lots don’t.  Larry’s brother has the virus.  He works at a plant.  He isn’t sick, but will stay home 2 weeks.  I will be so glad when we have some good news.

I read Mary Trumps’ book.  I read it in one day.  There is no way to explain how horrible a person our  leader is.  The book goes into none of his sexual ordeals; it’s about psychology.  If you like him, I’d say don’t read it, all those folks on FB who think he wonderful won’t believe it anyway.

I hope your day has been good and hope omorrow is even better.


  1. I have ordered the book but don't have it yet. I will read it in one day too when I get mine.

  2. I put the book on hold at the library... they tell me it might be 9 weeks waiting.
