
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Surprise Today

๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• Surprise Surprise ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

My pleasant surprise today was my lilies were blooming—naked ladies in my backyard!  They bloom in late summer and for the rest of my life I will think of Rick D. Griffin when I see the beautiful flowers.  Rick was laid to rest today in Maplewood Cemetery, Harrison, AR. I wish to live the rest of my days like Rick—making each day count, being a help to others, loving even when some are unlovable, never complaining but silently bearing my pain.  Rick will be missed.

Coming home from Harrison, we ate at the Cliff House Restaurant.  We had to wait on the deck and I took this picture.  There was a misty rain and the view isn’t clear but it was spectacular.  They had hummingbird feeders and pretty flowers to attract birds and butterflies.  The vista was gorgeous. Ingrid was with us.  I enjoyed her so much.  I hardly ever get to see her.  The place was very safe.  Tables were separated, everyone was masked.  It was very pleasant.  Since, I am here alone now, I really enjoy getting to eat out. 
There are two popular forms of surprise lilies—Lycoris squamigeria, naked lady, and Lycoris radiata, spider lily. Naked ladies have pink trumpet shaped blooms and spider lilies have a red, delicate, spider-like flower.   The blooms appear long after the foliage dies back in early summer, hence the name surprise lily. If you are like me, you’ll forget they are there until the flower stalk emerges in late summer.
Clayton would not sat in the family section.  He sat with me.  His Papa had had 3 kidney transplants, heart surgery, serious hernia surgery.  The Reverend spoke of his wore out body and how now he had a new body that was perfect.  Doctors told Rick’s parents that he might not live out of his teens, but he made it to 63 years almost 64.  They were productive years.  He was a fireman for 20 rears, served in city and county government, retired from working at he hospital.  I know part of the time he worked in dialysis, which he had been on more than once.  Rick traveled, fished, hunted, but mostly he loved.  He loved his family and really everyone he met.  I could see that Clayton got the message.  It was good for him to hear.   I was happy we sat together.

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